What's new, different and improved
Here on the updates blog you can now expect to find what's new in each release of the Visual Framework components and tooling.
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This release includes React support for vf-badge, Angular support for vf-button as package, Additional variant support for vf-banner, Angular syntax for vf-badge, vf-banner, vf-button and vf-hero. We've also fixed the changelog for vf-pagination to show correct versions.
This release includes Angular support for vf-badge, vf-banner and vf-hero, we have also added 11ty support for v2. It also includes improvements in accessibility, usability, documentation of vf-card-container and updates to documentation of vf-link. We also addressed bug where all compononents changelog section was identical for each component on the site.
This release includes improvements in accessibility, usability, functionality and documentation of several VF components including vf-section-header, vf-pagination, vf-button, vf-card-container, vf-bookmark, vf-search-client-side and ebi-header-footer. We also improved the consistency of VF components with the corresponding WordPress blocks and started addressing issues with the VF site.
This release has a package of enhancements for vf-analytics-google and accessibility improvements for vf-dropdown, vf-tabs, vf-banner, vf-banner-elixir, vf-tree and vf-social-links.
This release has a package of improvements and bug fixes for vf-navigation, vf-dropdown and vf-hero
This release has a package of minor features, improvements and bug fixes for lists, tags and EBI-specific support for the "black bar".
This rollup release adds a number of minor bug fixes, improves documentation and continues support for Eleventy version 1.0.
This rollup release updates build dependencies and readies VF sites for Eleventy version 1.0.
This rollup release brings interactivity improvements to ease navigation around VF-powered pages and sites.
This rollup brings no bug fixes, but carries on work refining spacing and a new tabs page-link feature.
This release brings a bug fixes, new design tokens and improved documentation.
This release brings a number of new components, documentation cleanups and deprecates old and unused code.
We're excited to release rollup version 2.5.0. It's our first stable rollup in two months and brings a level of maturation of existing components.
Beta 5 focused on more fully integrating typography design tokens as we create a more visually and technically consistent 2.5.0 rollup release.
Beta 4 brings bug fixes and incorporates functional design tokens as we move forward towards a more visually and technically consistent 2.5.0 rollup release.
Beta 3 brings bug fixes and improvement to documentation and accessibility as we move forward towards a more visually and technically consistent 2.5.0 rollup release.
As we move forward towards a more visually and technically consistent 2.5.0 rollup release, beta 2 brings 16 component updates with bug fixes and minor improvements.
We're testing version 2.5 that will introduce more visual polish and increased consistency in naming and visual conventions to align with the forthcoming VF Design Kit.
A roundup of minor work, more React support and small refinements to the component library.
A roundup of minor work, more React support and small refinements to the component library.
A roundup of minor bug fixes.
A roundup of minor bug fixes.
Bug fixes, a facelift for the search form and a deprecation.
Bug fixes, a facelift for the search form and a deprecation.
Forms, UX, optimisations and what's next.
Clarity on extending React support, style linting and a minor fix to vf-card.
This release continues a focus on refinement and documentation. We're also making steady progress on a major roadmap features.
This release contains a number of fixes and refinements.
This release contains a number of fixes and refinements, particularly for vf-form.
This is a refinement release of components that fixes and optimises.
This release some polishing to spacing and presentation.
This release brings no CSS changes and instead follows on this week's initial React support in 2.4.1.
This releases prebuilt CSS and JS, and minor features and initial React support. Read on for more.
New versions of vf-card, vf-hero and minor updates and bug fixes
Minor updates and bug fixes
Minor updates and bug fixes
As the Visual Framework matures and is used by a mix of stakeholders, we're sharing more about the future roadmap and how we make decisions — and work together.
Minor updates and bug fixes
Minor component updates and bug fixes
Minor component updates and bug fixes
Minor component updates and bug fixes
The Visual Framework's design tokens v2.0.0 release has a new way of defining the spacing tokens used for padding and margins for components and content.
Revamped spacing methods, imrpoved analytics tracking, JS linting and many fixes and tweaks.
Minor component updates and bug fixes.
Minor component updates and bug fixes.
Minor component updates and bug fixes.
Minor component updates and bug fixes.
The Visual Framework is maturing and we're working to do a better job communicating changes and individual component release notes.
Minor component updates and bug fixes.
Minor component updates and bug fixes.
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